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A Light Bulb Overhead
Colored to emphasize slope, with steeper slopes in red and yellow, and shallower slopes in blue, this digital terrain model (DTM) reveals the depths of a volcanic crater called Schrödinger G. The image merges an LROC Narrow Angle Camera ...
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ShadowCam PDS Release
Footprint plot of the ShadowCam images in the fifth release at the South pole [NASA/KARI/ASU/Intuitive Machines] The ShadowCam team released its fifth PDS release on 26 February 2024. This release includes 5,512 observations from ...
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Seeing in the Shadows
ShadowCam is based on the successful Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) and is approximately 200 times more sensitive than the current NAC, which will allow scientists to see into the permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) surrounding the Moon's poles.

What are PSRs?
Permanently Shadowed Regions
Permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) may be the most valuable real estate in the Solar System, with the potential for cold-trapped volatiles, which could provide essential resources to enable future exploration of the Moon and beyond.

The Mission